I think we can all agree that the only thing worse than sharing a water bottle is accidentally sharing a water bottle. In their many years working together, Chris and Matt encountered this on almost a daily basis. Chris decided to get Matt a water bottle that could not be mistaken for anyone else's. It couldn't be that hard, right? Wrong.
We needed a stainless steel bottle (no thank you, BPA's), but every website that we tried had limited design options, limited color options, took ten business days to ship, and charged you for minimal personalization. We knew that there had to be a better way, and we decided to make it ourselves.

Ludabottle began in our garage with a laser and a slightly unhealthy obsession with the perfect water bottle. Of course, this water bottle had to be durable, have temperature control, slip proof powder coating, and leak proof lids, but it also needed to be yours.
It has never been easier to customize your bottle. We offer a wide variety of colors, designs, and lids. Once you've selected your perfect bottle, you can move on to the customization. You can select the text, font, size, alignment, and anything else you want on your bottle! You can even upload your own design. If you can dream it, we can do it. Want to know the best part? We engrave these bottles within 2-3 business days of receiving your order! We truly believe that custom doesn't need to be complicated.
From the start, it has been the four of us engraving, washing, tagging, and shipping every order. While we have now expanded our team, the four of us are still very active in the business. Jane loves interacting with customers, Matt hasn't stopped looking for ways to expand, Chris runs the day to day operations, and Catey handles the website. Bringing your visions to life gives us the chance to be creative every day.
We cannot thank you enough for being part of our journey!